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Quality Reliable Care - Rehabilitation Centre

Location and Contact details

Valley View Barn Quality Rehabilitation & Respite Care Centre
Little Easterfields Barn, Chiddingly Road
TN21 0JL

Telephone: 01435 813954


Type of organisation

  • Private Company Service

Descripton of organisation

  • Residential

miles (straight line)
miles (approximate road distance)

Entry last updated

Oct 13, 2014

Further Details


QRC initially registered as a Respite Care Centre, This quickly evolved to a Rehabilitation Centre, specialising in Acquired Brain Injury. A support team specialising in specific needs such as Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy, Multiple Sclerosis, Acquired Brain Injury, Holistic Care and Physical Disabilities. This is so that efficiency, reliability, and effectiveness of individual care needs and packages can be maximised.

Our purpose built Respite and Rehabilitation Centre is set in two acres of landscaped gardens. It is located in East Sussex, South East England, 8 miles north of Eastbourne.

In and around East Sussex QRC provides supported homes for adults with learning disabilities, difficulties and autistic needs. We have shared homes in which we have carefully matched individuals in order to expand their social inclusion and improve upon independent living skills and extend their daily lives. We can provide 24 hour support and offer opportunities for group and one to one activities.

QRC can also offer Domiciliary Care in your own home.

Our support team are trained and experienced in helping you to live as independently as you are able. We provide 24 hours care. We currently provide opportunities to aquire a tenancy in shared homes and flats in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We can support you in the following areas:

> Personal Care to include help with getting up, going to bed, washing and dressing.
> Weekly Shopping to include menu planning, shopping lists, budgeting and accessing the community.
> To cook your own meals and thus your build your independence and confidence with home cooked, fresh meals.
> Financial Affairs to include accessing benefits, budgeting and bills.
> Activities to include contact with the community and help you to have fun and stay active, meeting new people and accessing the things you enjoy.
> Night Support to include a sleep in support staff, to be there when you call or a support worker awake through the night to make sure you are safe.
> Cleaning Support to help you complete your household chores such as cleaning and laundry.
> Background support, just in case you need support during unexpected times or in an emergency.

Services available

ABI Specialist National Regional Local
Advice yes no no yes
Domiciliary Care yes no no yes
Equipment yes no no yes
Family Support yes no no yes
Information yes no no yes
Leisure Activities yes no no yes
Physiotherapy yes no no yes
Residential Care yes no no yes
Respite Care yes no no yes
Support Workers yes no no yes
National = country wide, Regional = offering a service within 150 miles, Local = offering a service within 50 miles

This service adheres to the following Regulatory Frameworks / is affiliated to the following bodies:

CQC Registered

Referrals can be made by

GP yes
Consultant yes
Healthcare Professional yes
Self/Advocate/Family yes
Other professional eg Social Care/Case Manager yes

- GP / Healthcare Professional / Self/Advocate/Family

How are services paid for?

yes Publicly funded - individually commissioned
Regularly Sometimes Never
NHS noyesno
Social Care Services noyesno
Jointly funded by NHS & Social Care Services noyesno

yes Privately funded (anyone can purchase)

Typical duration that a service is offered

Dependant on individual needs.

This Service was mapped by Kent ABI Forum. See HERE for more information

Services available are defined by the following EHIG Rehabilitation Codes

For an explanation of the codings please click here


[Code 75]
Patient description
Medically stable, requiring supportive environment/accommodation, able to actively participate with and benefit from therapy. Will include spectrum of initial severity of injury with a small minority derived from Code 05 category

Residential Care/Supported Housing

Description of rehabilitation input
Retraining and enablement in day-to-day domestic and community-based tasks in a non-hospital, home-like environment, aimed at community re-integration/ inclusion by enhancing independence, wellbeing, & assist return to work/ education. In collaboration with Social Services, neuropsychiatry, voluntary and statutory services. Help for family/carers in supporting the person in these roles, and with identifying statutory support available.


[Code 115]
Patient description
Medically stable. Able to live in the community alone or with others.

Client's home/the community

Description of rehabilitation input
Enablement, support and care to develop social skills, stamina, confidence, attention & leisure pursuits, sorting out benefits, day supervision & respite care. Specific attention paid to Community involvement & integration (further education etc), Personal social development and empowerment and structuring activity towards achieving goals. Includes support that may be purchased with a personal budget.

This service is defined by the NMDS (National Minimum Data Set) codes as:

For an explanation of the NMDS, please click here

No Data for NMDS

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