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Headway South Staffordshire

Location and Contact details

Arthur Findlay Centre
96a Stone Road
ST16 2RS

Telephone: 01785 257462


Type of organisation

  • Voluntary Sector Service

Descripton of organisation

  • Community Based Service

miles (straight line)
miles (approximate road distance)

Entry last updated

Nov 30, 2012

Further Details

We were set up in 2008, we are an independent voluntary organisation affiliated to Headway UK.
Our work covers the whole of South Staffordshire.

The problems resulting from brain injury may not be obvious to other people. Because of this it is often referred to as £hidden disability£. Brain injury can however, completely change the lives of people with the brain injury and those around them.

Our aims are to:

£ Increase awareness and understanding of acquired brain injury and its consequences.

£ Provide information and support for people with acquired brain injuries, their families and carers, as well as interested professionals.
£ Assist people with acquired brain injuries to return to community living, including access to productive activities.

Services available

ABI Specialist National Regional Local
Advice yes no no yes
Art Therapy yes no no yes
Case Management yes no no yes
Day Activities yes no no yes
Day Centre yes no no yes
Equipment yes no no yes
Family Support yes no no yes
Information yes no no yes
Leisure Activities yes no no yes
Music Therapy no no no yes
Physiotherapy yes no no yes
Speech & Language Therapy yes no no yes
Support Workers yes no no yes
Training (for clients/patients) yes no no yes
Training (for families/carers) yes no no yes
Training (for staff) yes no no yes
Voluntary Activity yes no no yes
National = country wide, Regional = offering a service within 150 miles, Local = offering a service within 50 miles

This service adheres to the following Regulatory Frameworks / is affiliated to the following bodies:

Headway south staffs is affiliated to Headway UK the Brain Injury Association

Referrals can be made by

GP yes
Consultant no
Healthcare Professional yes
Self/Advocate/Family no
Other professional eg Social Care/Case Manager yes

- Referral Criteria

A referral will be accepted providing the individual concerned:

Has an acquired brain injury

1. Acquired brain injury is essentially damage to the living brain
tissue, which is non-degenerative, occurring since birth.
Common causes include CVA/ stroke, viruses, tumour, bleeding
or a lack of blood to the brain as well as open or closed head
injuries due to road traffic accidents, physical assaults, sports,
recreational and work related injuries etc.

Is aged between 18 and 64 years.


Clearly states a wish to attend the service.


The individual must want to attend and have some degree of
insight into their brain injury.

Is able to safely undertake the activity and would benefit from
doing so.


The activity is of interest and suitable.
The individual is able to cope with social integration.
The individual is medically ready to attend, i.e. as follows:

Able to self-medicate.
Where invasive/medical assistance is required, (rectal
suppositories,catheters, feeding tubes etc), individuals could
not attend unless they have a trained personal carer present
or where the necessary medical input can be arranged by the


Able to transfer manageably without the need for lift/hoist
equipment or physical assistance from Headway staff or

Where an individual requires one to one support for personal
care or medical assistance, their own personal care worker
must accompany them whilst attending the service.

Is able to travel the distance to and from the activity venue.


Has manageable behaviour


An individual with assessed behavioural problems may be
accepted on a 4 week trial basis at the discretion of Headway
South Staffordshire;
Where an individual£s behaviour puts themselves and / or
others at risk, the referral will be deemed unsuitable;
Where an individual requires constant one to one support to
manage inappropriate behaviour, then their own personal care
worker must accompany them whilst attending.

If the client meets the above criteria, a referral form may be

Please note that this does not necessarily mean a positive
outcome, or that Headway South Staffordshire will be able to offer
an immediate place.

How are services paid for?

yes Publicly funded - individually commissioned
Regularly Sometimes Never
NHS nonoyes
Social Care Services yesnono
Jointly funded by NHS & Social Care Services yesnono

yes Privately funded (anyone can purchase)

Typical duration that a service is offered

Placements will be for a minimum duration of 13 weeks, subject
to a 4 week trial period. There is no maximum duration, other
than by mutual agreement, that participation in the activities
offered by the service remains appropriate for the individual.

This Service was mapped by None. See HERE for more information

Services available are defined by the following EHIG Rehabilitation Codes

For an explanation of the codings please click here


[Code 120]
Patient description
Medically stable. Wanting to engage further with the community, alone or with others.

All sites

Description of rehabilitation input
Organised activity in the community offering opportunities to to develop social skills, stamina, confidence, attention & leisure pursuits, Specific attention paid to: Community involvement & integration (further education etc), Personal social development and empowerment Structured daytime activity within the individual's competency framework. Includes Day activities, Day Centres, clubs and activity that may be purchased with a personal budget.

This service is defined by the NMDS (National Minimum Data Set) codes as:

For an explanation of the NMDS, please click here

No Data for NMDS

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