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The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust

Location and Contact details

Ipswich Hospital
Heath Road

Telephone: 01473 712233


Type of organisation

  • NHS Service

Descripton of organisation

  • Trauma Unit
  • Acute Hospital
  • In patient

miles (straight line)
miles (approximate road distance)

Entry last updated

Feb 28, 2012

Further Details

The Emergency Department is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and sees approximately 60,000 new patients every year, of which about a quarter are children.
The Emergency Department aims to provide high quality, efficient care to all patients and their relatives who attend seeking assessment of acute or urgent illness or injury.

Specialities and procedures undertaken:
Major trauma management
Acute medical and surgical assessment
Minor illness and injury management
Emergency ultrasound
Paediatric illness and injury assessment
Consultant review clinic
Physiotherapy clinic

What to expect: When you arrive, you will be greeted by a receptionist and triaged (sorted) by a nurse into a priority stream depending on the potential severity of your complaint. You will then be assessed by a doctor or nurse practitioner who will be able to advise you about your prognosis and treatment if necessary. The Emergency Department aims to assess, treat and either admit or discharge its patients within 4 hours of attendance.

An occupational therapist works with an individual to assess their needs and to find alternative ways of carrying out daily living activities to maximise their independence. These could include everyday necessities of daily living such as household chores, getting washed and dressed, as well as social activities, going to work or simply continuing with a favourite hobby.

At Ipswich Hospital, we focus on meeting people's urgent needs as a result of illness or injury. We work with the patient to plan how their needs can be met in order for them to be discharged from hospital safely and then have any ongoing needs met at home.

Physiotherapy is a form of therapy which aims to provide patients with maximum independence and improve their physical wellbeing.

Physiotherapists are trained to give thorough and individual assessments and treatments. This may include providing rehabilitation after an operation or illness, managing symptoms of an illness or managing and improving joint problems or injuries.

Services available

ABI Specialist National Regional Local
Acute Medical Care no no no yes
Advice no no no yes
Nursing no no no yes
Occupational Therapy no no no yes
Physiotherapy no no no yes
Psychology no no no yes
Speech & Language Therapy no no no yes
National = country wide, Regional = offering a service within 150 miles, Local = offering a service within 50 miles

This service adheres to the following Regulatory Frameworks / is affiliated to the following bodies:

Referrals can be made by

GP yes
Consultant yes
Healthcare Professional no
Self/Advocate/Family no
Other professional eg Social Care/Case Manager no

How are services paid for?

yes Publicly funded - free at point of access
Regularly Sometimes Never
NHS yesnono
Social Care Services ???
Jointly funded by NHS & Social Care Services ???

Typical duration that a service is offered

No Data

This Service was mapped by Eastern Region ABI. See HERE for more information

Services available are defined by the following EHIG Rehabilitation Codes

For an explanation of the codings please click here


[Code 20]
Patient description
Medically unstable – requires general but not neurosurgical critical care.

Major Trauma Centre/ Trauma Unit/Acute Hospital

Description of rehabilitation input
Identifying and addressing early rehab goals before medically stable and transfer of care to rehab team


[Code 40]
Patient description
Needs in-patient care due to physical dependency, or the need for specialist therapy equipment, a safe environment, supervision, or intensity of therapy, in a unit with the expertise and experience in rehabilitation of a condition (Level 1)which cannot be provided in a local specialist centre or in the community (Level 2) which cannot be provided in the community.

Level 1: Regional specialized centre Level 2: Local specialist centre, Acute or community hospital

Description of rehabilitation input
Needs inpatient care due to physical dependency, or need for specialist therapy equipment, safe environment, supervision or intensity of therapy which cannot be provided in community

This service is defined by the NMDS (National Minimum Data Set) codes as:

For an explanation of the NMDS, please click here

Level 3B (local non-specialist rehabilitation services): Treat patients with Category D needs and can be led by non-medical staff

This website has been jointly developed by Optua UK, UKABIF and Thompsons Solicitors. For more information visit About Us. © 2025 BrainNav – All Rights Reserved