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The Children's Trust, Tadworth

Location and Contact details

Tadworth Court
KT20 5RU

Telephone: 01737 365000


Type of organisation

  • Voluntary Sector Service

Descripton of organisation

  • Day patient
  • In patient
  • Out patient
  • Residential
  • Domiciliary Service
  • Community Based Service

miles (straight line)
miles (approximate road distance)

Entry last updated

Feb 19, 2013

Further Details

The Children£s Trust is a national charity that runs the country£s largest residential rehabilitation centre for children and young people with acquired brain injury. Each year we support a large number of children and young people aged up to 18 from across the UK who have a brain injury sustained either through trauma or an illness such as encephalitis, meningitis, stroke or cancer.

We work with children who have £hidden£ cognitive difficulties as a result of their brain injury as well as those with more complex needs such as a disorder of consciousness, severe physical disabilities and those who require artificial ventilation or other specialist nursing support.

Our inter-professional team offers an integrated approach to assessment and clinical intervention not readily available in hospital or community settings. Our team includes consultant paediatricians, nurses, clinical and educational psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech & language therapists, teachers, play specialists, social workers, play and music therapists and a family therapist.

Facilities at the Trust include on-site accommodation for parents, therapy centre, modern hydrotherapy pool, family-friendly grounds, a nature trail and a wheelchair-accessible treehouse.

The Children£s Trust also offers a nationwide therapy-led support service through our Brain Injury Community Team. The team provides specialist multi-disciplinary assessment and can complement local services with advice and consultation for families and schools to understand a child£s brain injury and develop strategies to help them meet their full potential.

Our Customer Relations Department is dedicated to working in partnership with referrers, commissioners and families to find the most appropriate package of care for each child.

The Children£s Trust also runs the Brain Injury Hub (, a website and discussion forum offering advice and support to parents and other family members of children with acquired brain injury.

Services available

ABI Specialist National Regional Local
Advice yes yes yes no
Clinical psychology yes yes yes yes
Community support yes yes yes yes
Domiciliary Care yes no yes yes
Drama Activities yes yes yes yes
Family Support yes yes yes yes
Information yes yes yes yes
Leisure Activities yes yes yes yes
Music Therapy yes yes yes yes
Nursing yes yes yes yes
Occupational Therapy yes yes yes yes
Physiotherapy yes yes yes yes
Psychology yes yes yes yes
Residential Care yes yes yes yes
Respite Care yes yes yes yes
Speech & Language Therapy yes yes yes yes
Training (for clients/patients) yes yes yes yes
Training (for families/carers) yes yes yes yes
Training (for staff) yes yes yes yes
Transitional rehabilitation yes yes yes yes
National = country wide, Regional = offering a service within 150 miles, Local = offering a service within 50 miles

This service adheres to the following Regulatory Frameworks / is affiliated to the following bodies:

CQC Registered

Referrals can be made by

GP yes
Consultant yes
Healthcare Professional yes
Self/Advocate/Family yes
Other professional eg Social Care/Case Manager yes

How are services paid for?

yes Publicly funded - individually commissioned
Regularly Sometimes Never
NHS yesnono
Social Care Services yesnono
Jointly funded by NHS & Social Care Services yesnono

yes Privately funded (anyone can purchase)

- Children and young people are usually funded by their local health agency (primary care trust / clinical commissioning group) but it is also possible for children to be funded privately or through medico-legal funding.

Typical duration that a service is offered

Residential rehabilitation is tailored to each child's individual needs, so while children typically stay for between three and six months, placements may be shorter or longer. In all cases, planning for a child's transition home begins before a child arrives at the Trust. The aim is to work together with parent-carers and local agencies towards the child's return home or to an alternative placement as quickly as possible.

This Service was mapped by Kent ABI Forum. See HERE for more information

Services available are defined by the following EHIG Rehabilitation Codes

For an explanation of the codings please click here


[Code 40]
Patient description
Needs in-patient care due to physical dependency, or the need for specialist therapy equipment, a safe environment, supervision, or intensity of therapy, in a unit with the expertise and experience in rehabilitation of a condition (Level 1)which cannot be provided in a local specialist centre or in the community (Level 2) which cannot be provided in the community.

Level 1: Regional specialized centre Level 2: Local specialist centre, Acute or community hospital

Description of rehabilitation input
Needs inpatient care due to physical dependency, or need for specialist therapy equipment, safe environment, supervision or intensity of therapy which cannot be provided in community


[Code 50]
Patient description
Medically stable, but prolonged confusion, amnesia or behavioural difficulties, requiring specialist behavioural management, intensive supervision and secure environment

Specialist in-patient unit

Description of rehabilitation input
Specialist behavioural management, including high staffing: patient ratio to ensure intensive supervision and secure environment. Access to neuropsychology and neuropsychiatry


[Code 60]
Patient description
Medically stable, but low awareness or response persists beyond eg 3 weeks after sedation withdrawn, ICP corrected and medically stable. Able to benefit from medical and physical therapy to prevent complications and support recovery.

Community hospital or specialist inpatient

Description of rehabilitation input
Assessment/active rehabilitation phase which needs to be distinguished from long term care, although planning care increasingly important aim after some (eg 6) months. Patients may go to active participation unit if they improve sufficiently.


[Code 70]
Patient description
Medically stable, able to actively participate with and benefit from therapy. Will include spectrum of initial severity of injury with a small minority derived from Code 05 category

Domiciliary or day hospital

Description of rehabilitation input
Interdisciplinary co-ordinated management therapy aimed at community re-integration/inclusion by enhancing independence, wellbeing, & assist return to work/education. In collaboration with Social Services, neuropsychiatry, voluntary and statutory services. Includes treatment of patients in their own homes, or with live-in carers.


[Code 85]
Patient description
Medically stable, living in community, aiming to enter/return to employment

Outpatient clinic – acute or community hospital or other community location

Description of rehabilitation input
Multidisciplinary diagnostic and triage clinic, including expert medical input, with specialist brain injury nurse and/or neuropsychological assessment and support and follow-along available. Education, emotional and social support, both for patient and family. Liaison with/advice to GP and employer.


[Code 110]
Patient description
Information and guidance over a continuum. Family support and outreach. Advocacy

All sites

Description of rehabilitation input
Information and guidance over a continuum. Family support and outreach. Advocacy


[Code 135]
Patient description

All sites

Description of rehabilitation input
Providing practical/ technological solutions to challenges and limitations imposed by cognitive, behavioural and physical disability.

This service is defined by the NMDS (National Minimum Data Set) codes as:

For an explanation of the NMDS, please click here

Level 3A (other local specialist services): Treat patients with Category C needs and is led/supported by consultants trained in specialties other than rehabilitation medicine

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