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Brain Injury Community Team

Location and Contact details

The Children's Trust
Tadworth Court,
KT20 5RU

Telephone: 01737 365080


Type of organisation

  • Private Company Service
  • Voluntary Sector Service

Descripton of organisation

  • Community Based Service

miles (straight line)
miles (approximate road distance)

Entry last updated

Dec 5, 2011

Further Details

The Brain Injury Community Team is run by The Children's Trust, Tadworth, providing specialist assessment and community support to school age children with acquired brain injury. The Team helps brain injured children and young people overcome the specific challenges they face around cognition, communication and behaviour and gives them the best opportunity to succed in school and college.

The Team supports the network around a child or young person (their family, sibling and school) and helps them understand the deficits assoicated with brain injury and how to manage these in real life settings. Using appropriate coping and learning strategies, they become empowered to help maximise the brain injured child's full potential and therefore his or her chances of success.

Services available

ABI Specialist National Regional Local
Advice yes yes no no
Community support yes yes no no
Family Support yes no yes no
Information yes no yes no
Neuropsychology yes yes no no
Occupational Therapy yes yes no no
Speech & Language Therapy yes yes no no
Training (for clients/patients) yes yes no no
Transitional rehabilitation yes yes no no
National = country wide, Regional = offering a service within 150 miles, Local = offering a service within 50 miles

This service adheres to the following Regulatory Frameworks / is affiliated to the following bodies:

Regulated by CQC
Members of UKABIF,

Referrals can be made by

GP yes
Consultant yes
Healthcare Professional yes
Self/Advocate/Family yes
Other professional eg Social Care/Case Manager yes

- Email who will send you a referral form to complete.

Contact Head of Brain Injury Community Team if you would like to discuss a potential referral by emailing or call 01737 365094.

How are services paid for?

yes Publicly funded - individually commissioned
Regularly Sometimes Never
NHS yesnono
Social Care Services ???
Jointly funded by NHS & Social Care Services ???

yes Privately funded (anyone can purchase)

- We provide Initial Needs Assessment free of charge, funded by chariable income. Assessments and programmes of intervention are ususally funded by NHS but may also be funded by insurance companies and personal injury cases.

Typical duration that a service is offered

Assessment is for up to 4.5 days, ususally based at Tadworth in Surrey. The child stays with parent(s) in on site family accommodation for the duration (where available). A home and school visit is undertaken and a Multi Disciplinary Team meeting called, typically at the child's school. Process from start of Assessment to MDT meeting approximately 6-8 weeks.

Programmes of support in the community can be more or less intensive depending on assessed need, but typically a child and family would be supported over a 12 month period.

This Service was mapped by Eastern Region ABI. See HERE for more information

Services available are defined by the following EHIG Rehabilitation Codes

For an explanation of the codings please click here


[Code 70]
Patient description
Medically stable, able to actively participate with and benefit from therapy. Will include spectrum of initial severity of injury with a small minority derived from Code 05 category

Domiciliary or day hospital

Description of rehabilitation input
Interdisciplinary co-ordinated management therapy aimed at community re-integration/inclusion by enhancing independence, wellbeing, & assist return to work/education. In collaboration with Social Services, neuropsychiatry, voluntary and statutory services. Includes treatment of patients in their own homes, or with live-in carers.


[Code 85]
Patient description
Medically stable, living in community, aiming to enter/return to employment

Outpatient clinic – acute or community hospital or other community location

Description of rehabilitation input
Multidisciplinary diagnostic and triage clinic, including expert medical input, with specialist brain injury nurse and/or neuropsychological assessment and support and follow-along available. Education, emotional and social support, both for patient and family. Liaison with/advice to GP and employer.


[Code 90]
Patient description
Medically stable, living in community, aiming to enter/return to employment

Domiciliary, community-based or residential

Description of rehabilitation input
Interdisciplinary programme addressing all aspects of occupational activity, including, specialist assessment, work preparation, job search, job coaching and workplace support, and employer/college education and support.


[Code 115]
Patient description
Medically stable. Able to live in the community alone or with others.

Client's home/the community

Description of rehabilitation input
Enablement, support and care to develop social skills, stamina, confidence, attention & leisure pursuits, sorting out benefits, day supervision & respite care. Specific attention paid to Community involvement & integration (further education etc), Personal social development and empowerment and structuring activity towards achieving goals. Includes support that may be purchased with a personal budget.

This service is defined by the NMDS (National Minimum Data Set) codes as:

For an explanation of the NMDS, please click here

No Data for NMDS

This website has been jointly developed by Optua UK, UKABIF and Thompsons Solicitors. For more information visit About Us. © 2025 BrainNav – All Rights Reserved